Hi. Yesterday while flicking through Pinterest - like you do, I came across a brilliant idea which used CD racks for storing fat quarters.
Do we still have our old one I ventured to ask? Luckily the answer was yes. So after a bit of sorting.........and wishing I'd never started I have a new addition to my craft room.
This section was the perfect size for old patterns with a bunny squeezed too.
And my Eureka moment? At last finding somewhere to store rolls of wrapping paper and using a bamboo skewer to hold them in place using the shelf placer holes to secure it.
I'm still sorting all my fabric but I'm getting there.
I love having a peek into other people's craft rooms don't you? I'll be back to show you a bit more of mine. Just don't expect it to be one of those craft rooms that's perfectly tidy!
Happy new year!
2 weeks ago
Great idea and you know I love Pinterest lol
I like the fat quarter-storer; but the wrapping paper holder is fiendish! Love it.
That is such a great storage idea, must go and see if we still have ours somewhere in the loft! Catherine x
Great ideas for storing your quarters and rolls of paper....their a pain aren't they? You know what they say 'a messy craftroom is a creative craftroom'. If they don't then I made that up but it sounded good.
Brilliant! Great idea ... The bamboo skewer is genius!
I love that Eureka moment with the bamboo skewer! The CD rack is an excellent idea too. At least it's got you sorting out your fabrics! Thanks for all your comments on my blog. I'm finally getting back to reading everyone's blogs after a few crazy weeks. :D
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